Showing posts with label Tobashi Slimming Tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tobashi Slimming Tea. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dieting Progress

This morning i went to try on a pant which i couldn't fit in few weeks back as i had put on quite a number of KGs. Amazingly, i could fit in. =) Although its still tight but at least i can pull up and zip. I could walk around but still cannot sit down.

At least its a good start right? Hopefully i could wear and sit down with that pant by next week.

Stay Tune!


Lipodown 2 Diet Pills

Yes, i had choose the lastest diet pills endorsed by Apple Hung
This how the pills look like :

Look funny right?But it don't taste funny or any medcine smell. Absolutely normal. Lipodown 2 is selling at $89.90 which i bought i over at watson. Come along with 60 cap. The instruction said  that :

For intentsive (lose weight) i need to take 2 cap per time(lunch and dinner) which mean 4 cap per day. In other words, this bottle will only last me 2 weeks supply. Whooo...*cross finger* hope this works.30 min before meals, you should take it.

Today, 17 Jun, is the 5 days i taking it. So far so good, no side effect like moody swing, sleepless night, dry mouth. I feel perfect normal like any other days. I dropped a 600g. I still eating normally like :
10am -> 1 bread for breakfast
11.00-11.30am -> Fruits intake
3.30 - 5.30pm -> Fruits intake
7.00pm -> Dinner = 1 Bun or munch Coco Crunch
At the same time i been drinking Tobashi Slimming Tea thru out the day.
I on a no Carbo diet. But of course, certain days i will still take small portion of rice. I will watch what i see instead on insane dietry.

Next blog i will show more about Lipodown 2


Friday, June 14, 2013

Review : Tobashi Slimming Tea

Pretty excited on this. Althought this drink seems to be more like a long term thing but i looking forward to some changes and the ease of bowel movements.

The taste of the tea is like those Chinese Tea, no werid taste or funny funny after-taste. I drink is like my normal water consumption for the past 5 days. I did went to the toilet 2 days 1 time. To me is already a bonus, a person like me can output stuffs in 2 days, is already alot!

Guess what will be the next project for me?
