Saturday, June 15, 2013

Surprise Anniversary Gift

30th May 2013 we marked our 2nd Anniversary together. People who know us, they know that its not easy for us to make it this far. We been through alot of tough time and even split up numbers of time. Our earlier stage of our relationship is very rocky and unstable. The main the reason is our temper and communication issue. We can be as sweet as honey that stick so closely to each other and so loving yet we can be as firey as volcano that spill out hot and buring hot lava toward each other.
Nothing worth having comes easy. After all the dramas, our relationship is so much stronger and tougher. We learn to understand our own weak point and understand/accept each other imperfection. The relationship we having now is so much sweeeter than ever.

Hubby to be is not a romatic or a guy with alot of sweet words. He is not good expressing himself but his action show me that he care about me, this relationship. From his action, i could feel how much he love me and how much i meant to him.

When i receive my surprise annniversary present, i was on cloud nine and i really so happy that i could stop smiling and laughing. Want to know what surprise he gave me ?

Hubby to be send me it as an email attachment before giving me call. He really caught me by surprise and i really lost of words. He even FB-ed my senior manager to ask for approval for my leave.

YES! I flying off to BKK 2 days later! I couldn't even believe it! Thank you FH!


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