Monday, June 17, 2013

Duromine Diet Pills

I used to took duromine which prescribe by my family doc. I been taking it over a period of 10yrs.But of cos not every months for 10yrs. I usually will take for a month and have a break for like 6 months to 2yrs, depend on any particular reasons that i need to sherd some fats or when my weight had shoot up.

My record of losing the most weight using duromine for a month is 8kg. No joke, yes, a 8kg drop. I went on a crazy diet like :
1 weeks of :
Morning : Subway breakfast
Lunch : 0 Food intake
Dinner : 0 Food intake
1 week of :
Morning : 0 Food intake
Lunch : 1 x toasted bread or french toast
Dinner : 0 Food intake
1 weeks of :
Morning : 0 Food intake
Lunch : 1 bowl of soup
Dinner : 1 fruit item
1 week of :
Morning : Subway breakfast or Mac Breakfast
Lunch : 0 Food intake
Dinner : 0 Food intake

NO sugar drinks No candies No coffee No sugar

Crazy eh? Wonder how i survive thru? I really have no idea too. Impress by myself that i can push my limit that far. But ladies, Its a NO NO way to do it that way ok! It's really harmful to your body and you are taking risk that your body might not take it.

Duromine indeed helping on weight control but the side effects are really something you might want to reconsider taking them. Why i say so?
I weight gain like 2 times i lost over the past 2yrs and i can put on weight as fast as 2kg per week or 1.5 week. I not trying to be exaggerate with it.  Example 10yr back i weighting 100kg and i lost 8kg.10yrs later, i added on 16kg, which mean my current weight is 116kg. Don't forget that in between this 10yrs, i will take duromine to shred some fats. So certain months i might be weighting 120 or even 125kg.*number are for an example*

Thats the reason i stop taking duromine and start looking to somthing else. Which product will i be taking then? Follow on peepz


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