Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The day call PROPOSAL

Proposal Date : 27 Apr 2013
Future Hubby : Keith Teo
Prosposal Location : 18 Chef @ Cine
Friends Involved : Jackeline Goh - The Videograper + Camera Woman aka Bestie of Future Hubby
                         Justine Lee / Puma Tan / Stephen Lit / Vanessa Kwa / Ang Yin Chong

Honestly, this proposal caught me with surprise in a hatred yet love it way. Why do i say so? Firstly, i have NO make up on and secondly, i am wearing like a AH SUM;a cotton on short + a T-shirt + Slipper. Can you imagine it? *gosh* Future hubby pretended to be sick and won't be joining the night.

Me , Justine and the rest are suppose to have a meet up at 18 Chef as our dear Ms Vanessa is flying off to Japan for her 3 months attachment. As usual, we all went in to order food, play candy crush. Having some chatty moment while enjoying the food we ordered.

Maybe after 20 min - 30 min, we saw this couple walking in with a big bouquet of blue rose, the girl was like having a parade, trying to show off that big bouquet of flower. Seriously, our table have this little bubbles coming out from our brain : "Trying to show off eh?" " So many tables, y are you eying at our table? You need bigger space cos of your flower?" "Feel like slapping them"

After "parading" for few good sec, the couple suddenly appeared infront of my table and said "Are you Cynthia?" I gave him that "Yeah, i am" 's look"Oh, this is for you. From your admirer."

Ok~good~ The whole cafe is looking at me. Feel like hiding.Ok, obvious enough that SOMETHING IS COMING! Called my bf, as predicted, he ignored my call. All we can do is, wait for THAT MOMENT.

Finally, he appeared with Jac. Thats the moment, i really really wanted to dig a hole and hide myself up. All eyes on us, on our table. Oh my~ Oh my~

Thats the first moment, the first i see my future hubby is so nervous. I can feel him shaking and words trembling. Well, if i can feel the tenses at the moment, more even is him who gonna do the talking in the public. *phew*

The talk goes on~ The knee got down~ The holy words being said : Would you marry me? ~ The holy ans being given: Yes, i do!~ Tadah~ We got enaged then.

Definately, there must be some 無間道 in my group who coordinate with my future hubby, guess who the 無間道? My dearest darling, Justine Lee. She should join Mediacorp man!

Boring eh? No romantic location, No big drama. Well, at least i got a prosposal right? Most importantly, the hearts and effort that count! <3



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