Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wedding Band

Believe it or not, we been looking for our wedding band for like a good 2months+. Yeah Yeah~ i am the fussy and confuse one here.

You see, all girls, maybe most girls, LOVE blink blink, the blinkest its is the better. We have been checking out almost all jewellery brands you can think off. In my concept of a wedding band suppose to be a ring of white gold, simple white gold.Let's put it this way, traditional wedding band like this:

But if we were to spend few thousand on a band like the above, might as well we get it from those sliver shop,right? Thats what had stopped me to choose such ring. Most of the wedding band i eye on are mostly those blink blinker blinkest.

I find that this type are really too over for a wedding band. You see, i cannot accept tradtional yet cannot accept full blink. I want a traditional band but find it not worth the price. Feel like punching me right? My htb have no comments actually. *Laugh Out Loud*

The next post i will be posting our wedding band and which shop had let us to made them our last shop.

Stay tune peepz!


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