Wednesday, June 19, 2013

PSI 290

Weather is getting worse. PSI is getting higher and higher, it even break our last record in yr 1997 which is PSI 226.

Do take care of your health. Wear mask when outdoor or needed, close your window and on air-con. Take care of your elderly at home.

Try to cover your nose with wet cloth when you feeling uncomfortable or having difficulty in breathing.


The Chocolate Ville at Bangkok

Going to introduce to you all to a very cosy place in Bangkok,which is
The Chocolate Ville.
The Chocolate Ville is located at outskirt of Bangkok. Not that accessable like Siam or Pratunam Area that you can choose to go no feet or train. Even cab driver might not hear of it.
We actually had a hard time looking for it even we show him tons of times of the location map to the cab driver. Uncle was grumbling along the way when he couldn't find the location.The journey took us like 1hour plus to reach. Our butts are in pain, sersiously. We paid a flat 300bhat for the cab fare, which include all toll charges.
This is the location map we show the uncle.Even its in thai words, the uncle couldn't even find the location. One word could describe the place, ULU to the max. Hubby-to-be getting agitated and restless during the journey and he commented that, make sure that place don't disappointed him otherwise it really a waste of time trip.

After a long long journey, FINALLY WE REACHED. Even uncle gave us that "PHEW" look and that the first time is see him smile with his teeth showning.

The first sight of it, "WOW" is what we can describe The Chocolate Ville.

Hubby-to-be was impressed with the design and layout too.
I was acting like a small girl running around taking photos.

                                  They have a couple of different theme house

They all so vintage,cute and retro.

Their toilet sign are so cute!
The designs and type of Themes Houses they have really impressed us. At least it worth the journey. All our complains, our naggings, our pain are all gone now. It's actually brighten us up.
A place you can never see in any city of Bangkok. It's like you had entered a fairytale land.

While we having our dinner, guess what i saw?

At the first sight of it, i thought they are toy ducks. When they swam nearer to me, OMG! They are real ducks.

Enough about the place intro, lets go into food details. What i can sum up and say is that food wise is very normal and nothing special about. However service was very good even thought they couldn't understand any english. Yeah, i mean real simple english like: A can of coke or a bottle of coke.
The server use hand sign to communicate with us. Even placing of food order, we use finger pointing on the food we wanted.
If you have spare time to spend with, i would suggest that at least drop by one time to experience it, it really worth the travelling and time.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Dieting Progress

This morning i went to try on a pant which i couldn't fit in few weeks back as i had put on quite a number of KGs. Amazingly, i could fit in. =) Although its still tight but at least i can pull up and zip. I could walk around but still cannot sit down.

At least its a good start right? Hopefully i could wear and sit down with that pant by next week.

Stay Tune!


About Lipodown 2

Lipodown 2 is also AFC brand. Since their Tobashi Slimming Tea is working on me, i believe this brand can be trusted to be working on me. Lipodown 2 said it have a 24/7 fats burning effect. Tempting yoz!

Let's have a understanding on Lipodown 2

How to take?

Weight Loss: 2 softgels each time before lunch and dinner
Maintenance: 2 softgel daily before lunch or dinner

What AFC Lipodown 2  made of:

Active Ingredients per 2 softgels

APF Fat Reduction Factors 1000mg (contains concentrated Fucoxanthin and Apple Polyphenols)

AFC LipoDOWN 2 is a clinically proven formula to fuel fat burning round-the-clock, even while you are at rest. Enhanced with APF Fat Reduction Factors, the new proprietary formula is 200% more powerful to support sustainable fat loss, for visible inch and weight loss.

  • Targets fat and inch loss in the tummy, thighs and hips
  • Reduces calorie absorption from dietary fat
  • Promotes thermogenesis, increases metabolism for maximum fat burning
  • Helps shrink bulky fat cells and blocks formation of new fat cells
  • Helps regulate appetite and promotes sense of fullness
  • Supports reduction of organ fat and body fat
  • Supports healthy blood lipid and blood sugar levels
How does AFC LipoDOWN 2 work?
Sedentary lifestyle habits and overeating are common reasons for weight gain. To reduce your overall body fat level, you need to burn off stored fat, raise your metabolic rate and block the excess calories from turning into fat. In fact, every 1kg of body fat is equivalent to 7,000kcal!

The new and improved AFC LipoDOWN 2 comes enhanced with the revolutionary APF Fat Reduction Factors to burn fat, boost metabolism and eliminate fat calories. APF Fat Reduction Factors trigger multiple fat reduction actions to help combat the unsightly bulges and shed excess weight safely and naturally. A natural and safe formula, AFC LipoDOWN 2 is free from caffeine, diuretics, laxatives and stimulants, hence, itdiarrhea does not affect your sleep quality or lead to heart palpitations or diarrhea.
Clinically Proven Fat Reduction

Comprising a potent combination of Apple Polyphenols and Fucoxanthin, the APF Fat Reduction Factors are natural substances extracted at high purity from unripe apples and Japanese brown seaweed respectively. 100% manufactured in Japan, the natural active substances in AFC LipoDOWN 2 require advanced Japan's patented extraction technology to ensure the strict potency and efficacy markers are met.
Clinical studies have reported that these active substances in AFC LipoDOWN 2 can boost metabolic rate up to 22%, and trigger your body's fat burning capacity even while at rest. A higher metabolic rate helps you burn calories more effectively for natural fat and weight loss.


How soon can I see results?

According to research results, significant weight loss is reported after 42 days of consumption, and up to 9kg of weight loss can be acheived with 2 month's consumption. As slimming results vary accross individuals, it is advisable to include moderate levels of physical activity and a healthy diet to accelerate weight loss efforts.


Lipodown 2 Diet Pills

Yes, i had choose the lastest diet pills endorsed by Apple Hung
This how the pills look like :

Look funny right?But it don't taste funny or any medcine smell. Absolutely normal. Lipodown 2 is selling at $89.90 which i bought i over at watson. Come along with 60 cap. The instruction said  that :

For intentsive (lose weight) i need to take 2 cap per time(lunch and dinner) which mean 4 cap per day. In other words, this bottle will only last me 2 weeks supply. Whooo...*cross finger* hope this works.30 min before meals, you should take it.

Today, 17 Jun, is the 5 days i taking it. So far so good, no side effect like moody swing, sleepless night, dry mouth. I feel perfect normal like any other days. I dropped a 600g. I still eating normally like :
10am -> 1 bread for breakfast
11.00-11.30am -> Fruits intake
3.30 - 5.30pm -> Fruits intake
7.00pm -> Dinner = 1 Bun or munch Coco Crunch
At the same time i been drinking Tobashi Slimming Tea thru out the day.
I on a no Carbo diet. But of course, certain days i will still take small portion of rice. I will watch what i see instead on insane dietry.

Next blog i will show more about Lipodown 2


Duromine Diet Pills

I used to took duromine which prescribe by my family doc. I been taking it over a period of 10yrs.But of cos not every months for 10yrs. I usually will take for a month and have a break for like 6 months to 2yrs, depend on any particular reasons that i need to sherd some fats or when my weight had shoot up.

My record of losing the most weight using duromine for a month is 8kg. No joke, yes, a 8kg drop. I went on a crazy diet like :
1 weeks of :
Morning : Subway breakfast
Lunch : 0 Food intake
Dinner : 0 Food intake
1 week of :
Morning : 0 Food intake
Lunch : 1 x toasted bread or french toast
Dinner : 0 Food intake
1 weeks of :
Morning : 0 Food intake
Lunch : 1 bowl of soup
Dinner : 1 fruit item
1 week of :
Morning : Subway breakfast or Mac Breakfast
Lunch : 0 Food intake
Dinner : 0 Food intake

NO sugar drinks No candies No coffee No sugar

Crazy eh? Wonder how i survive thru? I really have no idea too. Impress by myself that i can push my limit that far. But ladies, Its a NO NO way to do it that way ok! It's really harmful to your body and you are taking risk that your body might not take it.

Duromine indeed helping on weight control but the side effects are really something you might want to reconsider taking them. Why i say so?
I weight gain like 2 times i lost over the past 2yrs and i can put on weight as fast as 2kg per week or 1.5 week. I not trying to be exaggerate with it.  Example 10yr back i weighting 100kg and i lost 8kg.10yrs later, i added on 16kg, which mean my current weight is 116kg. Don't forget that in between this 10yrs, i will take duromine to shred some fats. So certain months i might be weighting 120 or even 125kg.*number are for an example*

Thats the reason i stop taking duromine and start looking to somthing else. Which product will i be taking then? Follow on peepz


Life after 4 days in paradize

We suppose to be on budget and wealth managment till our big day but action is so little. *Haha*

HTB said that once back to SG, we really really need to very very discipline and be a good girl good boy. Got to meant what we say. Well oh Well~~~

8 months of torture shall start now. Not forgetting my diet plan too! =(

A combo of torture...

Guess what coming up next?

Stay tune then


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Surprise Anniversary Gift

30th May 2013 we marked our 2nd Anniversary together. People who know us, they know that its not easy for us to make it this far. We been through alot of tough time and even split up numbers of time. Our earlier stage of our relationship is very rocky and unstable. The main the reason is our temper and communication issue. We can be as sweet as honey that stick so closely to each other and so loving yet we can be as firey as volcano that spill out hot and buring hot lava toward each other.
Nothing worth having comes easy. After all the dramas, our relationship is so much stronger and tougher. We learn to understand our own weak point and understand/accept each other imperfection. The relationship we having now is so much sweeeter than ever.

Hubby to be is not a romatic or a guy with alot of sweet words. He is not good expressing himself but his action show me that he care about me, this relationship. From his action, i could feel how much he love me and how much i meant to him.

When i receive my surprise annniversary present, i was on cloud nine and i really so happy that i could stop smiling and laughing. Want to know what surprise he gave me ?

Hubby to be send me it as an email attachment before giving me call. He really caught me by surprise and i really lost of words. He even FB-ed my senior manager to ask for approval for my leave.

YES! I flying off to BKK 2 days later! I couldn't even believe it! Thank you FH!


Friday, June 14, 2013

Review : Tobashi Slimming Tea

Pretty excited on this. Althought this drink seems to be more like a long term thing but i looking forward to some changes and the ease of bowel movements.

The taste of the tea is like those Chinese Tea, no werid taste or funny funny after-taste. I drink is like my normal water consumption for the past 5 days. I did went to the toilet 2 days 1 time. To me is already a bonus, a person like me can output stuffs in 2 days, is already alot!

Guess what will be the next project for me?


Cleansing with Tobashi Slimming Tea

AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea from Lifestream group is my next upcoming project. The package look like not bad. Even its not meant for dieting, i believe its can help to clean something inside my body, as its just tea. By reading the ingredients, it look very POWER right? Don't think any of it will harm my body since its all natural stuffs.


Natural herbal slimming tea – AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea
  • Boost metabolism
  • Support reduction of visceral fat
  • Relieve water retention
  • Smooth occasional constipation
  • Drink tea as a healthy lifestyle, weight loss support and long term wellness

Enjoy the natural slimming effects of tea. Enjoy the natural slimming effects of tea towards a slimmer waistline and higher metabolism rate. Without strong bitter taste, you can drink it every day for health and balance.

AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea is a mixture of eight superb herbs with slimming and health benefits. It is beneficial towards excess fat deposits, especially at the tummy area, and occasional constipation. Without additives and chemicals, it has a mild pleasant taste without any bitterness.

Serve hot or cold, drink your way daily towards good health and a slimmer waistline!

1) Burns more calories and reduces fats storage with a blend of 8 slimming herbs   Teas are naturally rich in chemicals that are scientifically proven to boost metabolism, including polyphenols, catechin, and epigallo-catechin-gallate. AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea is specially blended with polyphenols-rich tea including Oolong Tea and Black Tea which increase fat metabolism and prevent fat absorption. A research conducted by University of Tokushima School of Medicine demonstrated the oolong tea burns 2.2 times more calories than regular green tea. Oolong Tea has excellent fat burning results due to higher concentration of polymerized polyphenols, produced during the fermentation process which is 4 times higher than Green Tea.

2) Reduces sugar cravings   Recommended by doctors and health professionals, Gymnema Leaf is a renowned ‘sugar-killer’, proven to reduce sugar cravings and improve carbohydrate breakdown in the body. Rooibos Tea is an indigenous South African herb, helps to improve detoxification naturally. Ideal for those with sweet tooth.

3) Relieves water retention with natural diuretics   Food high in salt and/or sugar causes our body to retain fluids, leading to water retention and an uncomfortable bloated disposition. Adlay Seed and Candle Bush have diuretic properties that facilitate the removal of excess fluids naturally.

4) Eases bowel movement   Candle bush is a native herb used in tropical America and Asia for more than 1,300 years, scientifically proven to have a natural laxative effect. The active ingredient, anthraquinone, gives the tea a nice, fragrant aroma, and induces regular bowel movement. Its benefit is further enhanced with the combination of Sicklepod Tea.

AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea is a mild, aromatic tea recommended for daily consumption, especially for those with high abdominal fat. It works well for a sense of wellness after heavy meals without side-effects. Why does one take AFC Tobashi Slimming Tea?

Recommendation 1: For sustainable weight lossNatural phytochemicals regulate overall body system, boost metabolism, and promote fat burning without harmful side effects
Recommendation 2: For a flatter tummyThe unique blend of 8 slimming ingredients help reduce accumulation of visceral fat
Recommendation 3: Helps relieve water retentionReduces water retention from diet high in salt, sugar or from a sluggish system
Recommendation 4: Natural fat loss, no rebound.Experiences natural slimming without extreme dieting and unhealthy water loss
Recommendation 5: For occasional constipationHelps to promote defecation and enhance bowel movement
Recommendation 6: Drink daily towards a healthy lifestyleDrink tea as your daily habit for health, overall wellness and lower the bad effects of unhealthy diet


Adlay Seed (Coix lacryma-jobi): Also known as Job’s tears or pearl barley. It was first mentioned in the Shennong Bencao Jing to relieve water retention. The ancient Chinese medicinal book Bancao Gangmu describes its pharmacological properties in the treatment of numerous maladies and the traditional usage including invigorate spleen and lungs, drain dampness, clear heat and expel phlegm, beautify skin and retain youth.
Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia): Also known as Chinese Senna. It grows wild in North, Central, and South America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Often used as folk medicine for its laxative effects, it is also believed to be beneficial for the eyes. Used traditionally as Korean Medicine, gyeolmyeongja, and also in Japan as Kampō, as diuretics, to strengthen spleen and also remove heatiness.
It helps to ease bowel movement and eliminates excessive flatulence in the abdominal area.
Oolong Tea: Oolong tea, black tea and green tea are all from Camellia sinensis and the differences in texture, colour and taste are due to the fermentation process. Oolong tea is semi-fermented while black tea is fully fermented. Fermented tea produces a unique flavour because of the presence of polymerized polyphenols. A research by the University of Tokushima School of Medicine demonstrated that oolong tea burns 2.2 times more calories than regular green tea due to the higher content of polymerized polyphenols than green tea. Oolong tea is tested to have four times higher polymerized polyphenols content than green tea.
Black Tea: Fully fermented tea with a strong aroma and dark colour. During the production, the major constituent, catechins, is converted to theaflavins and thearubigins. Research conducted in India showed that black tea and its active constituents exert healing properties in ulceration of intestines. There are different varieties of dark tea from different regions including Pu’er. It helps in digestion and regulates fat metabolism. It is beneficial in reducing blood lipids (fat). Naturally high in antioxidants, it also aids removal of toxic materials from the body.
Candle Bush (Senna alata): Native medicinal plant in Mexico, also found in various regions in Asia. It has diverse internal and external uses. Internal applications of candle bush helps in lung concerns such as bronchitis and asthma, it also functions as a diuretic. It is well-proven by latest scientific research to expel intestinal parasites
and remove body waste. Senna alata is also called the Ringworm Bush because it works as a very effective treatment for ringworm and other infections on skin.
Du Zhong (Eucommia ulmoides): Traditionally used by the Koreans for over 3,000 years in the treatment of diabetes, modern research reported Du Zhong is helpful in reducing blood pressure, promoting defecation, protecting liver, and promoting weight loss. A study conducted by Ajou University in Korea shows that Du Zhong inhibits the accumulation of triglycerides, which is highly linked with the formation of body-fat storing adipocytes. Another research effort conducted in Osaka, Japan, demonstrated that Du Zhong prevents weight gain and leads to an impressive 30% reduction in visceral fat!
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre): An Ayurvedic herb with over 2,000 years of usage, particularly in treatment options for diabetes.Commonly described as “sugar killer” by Ayurvedic physicians and naturopaths. It reduces sugar absorption and thereafter, the conversion of sugar into body fat. It prevents carbohydrate absorption, and increases the metabolism of carbohydrates. Additionally, it suppresses the sensation of sweetness, thus reduces sugar cravings to help limit the intake of sweet foods in the long run.
Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis): Originating from South Africa, Rooibos is highly regarded as the “tea of longevity”. It is used as a folk remedy to treat asthma, colic, allergies and skin problems. It is purported to relieve nervous tension, allergies, and digestive problems.
It contains a high amount of Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme (SOD), a potent anti-oxidant. A published research by Comenius University of Slovakia concluded that rooibos tea is recommended for prevention and also as adjuvant therapy for liver disorders.

Review : Japan Detox Juice 6-Day Program Result

I am a FULL OF SHIT person, in hokkien known as TAK SAI. I don't go empty my input everyday or regularly. My system only will empty it like, let's say 6-7 days once? I know, I know...very unheathly and very dirty. Thats the reason why i always tell people i am full of shit. Hahaha~ Now you all know why. So, i bought this Kinohimitsu 6 days detox to see if it can help to flash those things out. ^^

They come along with 2 favours, Cranberry and Plum. Cranberry give me the sourish feel and Plum give me the sweet feel. I decided to go for the sweet one;Plum Juice instead. You may choose to chill it or have it as room temperature. But of course, young people like us, would prefer cold drinks right?

First taste of it was "sweet and yummy!" It's don't taste very concentrated and very hard to bring down to your throat. I like the taste of it.

Did i went to empty my rubbish? Yes, i did. I empty everyday for once. I don't feel any laxative feel or i must to the toilet to save my pipi. When you got the feel, you can hold your hourses and you can slowly make your way to the toilet,even delaying. haha.. THIS DRINK WORKS FOR ME

For first timer like me, you have to complete the 6 bottles in 6 days(1 bot per day)
After the 6 days program and you wish to continue, you only need to consume max 3 bottles/week.
 You can get them at any guardian ,watson or supermarket. Unity also do sell them.

Do you suffer from :
  1. Poor digestion, stomach bloating
  2. Fatigue, low energy levels, sickly body
  3. Poor complexion, blemishes, skin allergies
  4. Bad breath, body odor
  5. Headache, migraine
Do you have :
  1. A busy, stressful life, Irregular meals and eating processed food
  2. Constant exposure to the polluted environment (air, water)
In just six days, Kinohimitsu J’pan D’tox Juice leaves you feeling renewed, refreshed and revitalized. The six day program is a smart way to flush out toxins from your bowel within 2-4 hours, without disrupting your daily life. This 100% natural juice is the fastest and the most effective drink in the market.
J’pan D’tox Juice contains no additives that provides high concentrations of dietary fiber which increases the beneficial cultures in the digestive tract and helps fortify the body’s defences.

Ingredients for Plum Flavour: Dark Plum Fruit Juice, Purified Water, Sorbitol, Roselle Fruit Juice, Blueberry Concentrate, Mannitol, Blackberry Concentrate, Glace Plum Fruit Juice, Citric Acid.
Ingredients for Cranberry Flavour: Dark Plum Fruit Juice, Purified Water, Sorbitol, Roselle Fruit Juice, Blueberry Concentrate, Mannitol, Blackberry Concentrate, Cranberry Juice, Glace Plum Fruit Juice, Citric Acid.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Detox Time - Kinohimitsu

A must process for all brides to be, a journey that all brides to be will go thru which is cleansing, detox and diet. Which woman don't wan to look at their best during their big day and photoshoot right?

A stressful chapter for all brides to be and a difficult time too! Self-control and self discipline are very important. How to resist the devil called the food? =(

This is the first step for me to have a clean body. Keep you all posted if this works! *cross finger*

Hope this product works well for me :

Poisonbaby is getting Marry: Wedding Band - Ling Jewellery

Poisonbaby is getting Marry: Wedding Band - Ling Jewellery: Wedding Band : Ling Jewellery Sales  Person : Nicole Shop Location : 422 Orchard Roadv#01-01, Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade Shop Contact ...

Wedding Band - Ling Jewellery

Wedding Band : Ling Jewellery
Sales  Person : Nicole
Shop Location : 422 Orchard Roadv#01-01, Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade
Shop Contact : 6238 8712
Opening Hour : Mon - Sat 10am to 8.30pm / Close on Sun (By appt only)

There quite a few private jewellery shops out in the market. Prices can be lower or even much more higher than regular shop out there. Everything depend on what you are looking for for your wedding band. More white gold , more blink, more complicated ring, definately going to cost you higher as its like custom made design for you.

Why end up choosing Ling,private dealer? Firstly, their service was excellent. We were served by Nicole. She is a very professional and very patience woman. Nicole listen and understand what i want and she even go into the extreme of finding almost the whole shop for some pieces of bands for me to see if that the type of designs i looking at. I actually rejected most. Don't get me wrong, nothing is wrong with the design or the band. It's me who couldn't decide and express what is missing or what exact FEEL i looking for.

Finally, Nicole got out 2 pieces which caught my eye, like "WHOOO! I love it! Show it to me!"  One of them is plated whith rose gold + matt rose gold and there other one is cross-over white gold. Actually is the rose gold that caught my eye first but after few discussion, all agree that white gold will be more realistist and for long term. Ling together with her husband and Nicole gave us very good analysis and gave me alot of attention of my findings. No black face, no attiude problem even i been ting dioh here and there for almost 2hrs. *thumb up*

We been in the shop for like 2 hours before we actually say : DEAL!

Overall, service is excellents and price is definately cheaper than any typical branding you can think of.


Wedding Band

Believe it or not, we been looking for our wedding band for like a good 2months+. Yeah Yeah~ i am the fussy and confuse one here.

You see, all girls, maybe most girls, LOVE blink blink, the blinkest its is the better. We have been checking out almost all jewellery brands you can think off. In my concept of a wedding band suppose to be a ring of white gold, simple white gold.Let's put it this way, traditional wedding band like this:

But if we were to spend few thousand on a band like the above, might as well we get it from those sliver shop,right? Thats what had stopped me to choose such ring. Most of the wedding band i eye on are mostly those blink blinker blinkest.

I find that this type are really too over for a wedding band. You see, i cannot accept tradtional yet cannot accept full blink. I want a traditional band but find it not worth the price. Feel like punching me right? My htb have no comments actually. *Laugh Out Loud*

The next post i will be posting our wedding band and which shop had let us to made them our last shop.

Stay tune peepz!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bridal Shop - Z-Wedding

Z wedding and Le Grand (Chris Ling Photography). They belong to the few top bridal shops in Singapore. Their gowns and photography skill is really good and thats the reason they are on the "high end" pricing if we were to compare with other brial shops around.

Over this fine weekend, we happened to be at Vivo City. We are suppose to catch a movie but we went earlier for dinner and to do some shopping.When we walked pass the Atrim, we saw bridal fair. Hubby-to-be suggested to have a look to see any of them interest me.
I saw this Z WEDDING booth shining infront of me and its calling for us. I was thinking like, "Well.......its just a bridal fair, we could like just sit down and know their exact price, right? It's not like i had made an appointment at the shop." Conclusion : Outdoor sale is easier to run away than indoor sales. What a logic -_-

Anyway, we seated ourself down at Z-Wedding. "Am i really sitting down?Why am i sitting down? Goodness me!"
Grace attended to us. Pretty and bubbly girl i would say so. I like her! Maybe of her appearance and the way she talk, i really feel cool with her.
All their gowns and photos really WOW me badly. Both Grace and i are very straight forward, knowing i have done some search on them, she asked : "do you want me to show you guys some more photos or you all want me to jump into package?" Not to waste time, i told Grace to go ahead and just show us the price since pricing is what i wanted to know.

When Grace took out her bible, my heart was pounding. When i saw the price, i was laughing and "thats it?Nothing more to come?" It's not as bad as what i have assumed! If other shops are offering me $1000 and Z Wedding is offer me $1800, why not Z right? (example figures)

Something that stop me and future hubby to go on is their photos. Their photos are abit lesser than others offer. My mind is still empty since the moment i saw their price, really.
Chris Ling came over to have a quick chat with us and he like had casted a spell on me. We closed at Z Wedding. *Bursting Out Loud* So yes, end of the day, we are Z Wedding's couple! I could not believe that we signed up with Z Wedding until my dinner was over.


Bridal Shops Day

We went to Tanjong Pagar area where most of the brial shops are located. Been into few shops to understand their packages and to scan their photos. Took us an average of 1hr+ per shop.

Everytime when we want to leave the shop, they will always offer "special" for you and tell you how much they want to have you and how wonderful they are comparing to others. Thats the tactic of closing you. So, ladies..please do not fall into their trap. Nothing to be shy,embarrass about.Only sign up when you feel comfy and you really like about everything they offer you. Gowns, packages, photos..etc..
Believe that non of us would like to feel that we being cheated or regret somehow right? Just reject politely and walk away. Nothing to rush into signing up,anyway.
Remember to key in the price and details of packages in your smart phone. So you can refer and discuss anytime.

Bridal Shops that we went to :
Di Gio
Sophia Wedding
French Bridal
Swaggers Couture

Honestly speaking, i been eying on Z Wedding. But due to the price wise(maybe $6k abv for a v basic package), i didn't even shortlist to go in. What for waste our time on something they might not happen right? Only will make us depressed.

After 2 weeks of visiting, we still have not decided on which bridal. We shall see again~


The day call PROPOSAL

Proposal Date : 27 Apr 2013
Future Hubby : Keith Teo
Prosposal Location : 18 Chef @ Cine
Friends Involved : Jackeline Goh - The Videograper + Camera Woman aka Bestie of Future Hubby
                         Justine Lee / Puma Tan / Stephen Lit / Vanessa Kwa / Ang Yin Chong

Honestly, this proposal caught me with surprise in a hatred yet love it way. Why do i say so? Firstly, i have NO make up on and secondly, i am wearing like a AH SUM;a cotton on short + a T-shirt + Slipper. Can you imagine it? *gosh* Future hubby pretended to be sick and won't be joining the night.

Me , Justine and the rest are suppose to have a meet up at 18 Chef as our dear Ms Vanessa is flying off to Japan for her 3 months attachment. As usual, we all went in to order food, play candy crush. Having some chatty moment while enjoying the food we ordered.

Maybe after 20 min - 30 min, we saw this couple walking in with a big bouquet of blue rose, the girl was like having a parade, trying to show off that big bouquet of flower. Seriously, our table have this little bubbles coming out from our brain : "Trying to show off eh?" " So many tables, y are you eying at our table? You need bigger space cos of your flower?" "Feel like slapping them"

After "parading" for few good sec, the couple suddenly appeared infront of my table and said "Are you Cynthia?" I gave him that "Yeah, i am" 's look"Oh, this is for you. From your admirer."

Ok~good~ The whole cafe is looking at me. Feel like hiding.Ok, obvious enough that SOMETHING IS COMING! Called my bf, as predicted, he ignored my call. All we can do is, wait for THAT MOMENT.

Finally, he appeared with Jac. Thats the moment, i really really wanted to dig a hole and hide myself up. All eyes on us, on our table. Oh my~ Oh my~

Thats the first moment, the first i see my future hubby is so nervous. I can feel him shaking and words trembling. Well, if i can feel the tenses at the moment, more even is him who gonna do the talking in the public. *phew*

The talk goes on~ The knee got down~ The holy words being said : Would you marry me? ~ The holy ans being given: Yes, i do!~ Tadah~ We got enaged then.

Definately, there must be some 無間道 in my group who coordinate with my future hubby, guess who the 無間道? My dearest darling, Justine Lee. She should join Mediacorp man!

Boring eh? No romantic location, No big drama. Well, at least i got a prosposal right? Most importantly, the hearts and effort that count! <3
